Nov 16, 2022

How to Create a Good Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Dental Practice

Georgette Virgo | Nov 16, 2022 | 7 min read

Technology has revolutionized the way companies operate and communicate. Computers, the internet, and mobile devices have enabled businesses to connect with more people in more places than ever before. It has made communication and collaboration easier, faster, and more effective. It has also made it possible to collect and store vast amounts of data, which can be used to make better decisions, improve operations, and gain a competitive edge. This has been a huge benefit for companies, allowing them to reach new markets and customers.


However, the use of technology in business operations is only sometimes smooth sailing. Business operations can encounter IT problems such as hardware malfunction, security risks, implementation, data breaches, high costs, etc.


When a sudden technological disaster happens in your business, it would be best if employees knew how to correctly implement a disaster recovery plan.


What is disaster recovery?

Disaster recovery in information technology is the process of restoring a technology system after encountering catastrophic errors. The goal of disaster recovery is to restore the system to its pre-disaster state or to an alternate operating state that will allow it to continue operating.



What situations can be considered potential ‘disasters’?

A disaster in technology is a horrific event that results in the loss of data or systems. Many potential disasters can occur in a technology system. Some of the most common are as follows:


  • data center outage that takes down an entire company
  • a major security breach that exposes sensitive data
  • a ransomware attack that locks up critical data
  • a software bug that causes data corruption
  • hardware failure that causes data loss
  • An EMP, a power outage, a natural disaster, or a fire that shuts down a data center
  • a terrorist attack that compromises or destroys a data center


What is a disaster recovery plan?

A disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a documented process or set of procedures to recover and protect a business’ IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster. The DRP ensures that the company can continue functioning despite major disasters or catastrophic events. It should be designed to protect all critical business functions and systems and be tested regularly.


The main objective of the disaster recovery plan is to comprehensively explain the specific actions that must be taken before, during, and after a disaster. It ensures that the entire company work force knows what to do and how to do it correctly so that they can overcome and restore the normal flow of the business that may have been affected by the disaster.


What should be included in a disaster recovery plan?

The following are the key things that should be included in any IT disaster recovery plan.


  • Established a clear chain of command and communication plan – The plan should identify key personnel responsible for implementing the plan in the event of a disaster. This will ensure that everyone knows all key personnel when disaster strikes and how to communicate in such circumstances.


  • Backup of all important data and systems – The plan must include how each data that the company has is backed up, where it is located, on which devices, in which folders. It must also include step-by-step actions on how to retrieve those data in their specific location.


  • Inventory of all hardware and software – Having an updated list of everything that keeps the technological side of the business going enables the employees to know what to prioritize in the restoration process. By this they can also keep track of the restoration process, knowing whether everything is already restored or not.


  • The actual plan of disaster recovery techniques – This is the step-by-step plan to get your systems up and running again in the event of a disaster. This may include contacting specific IT personnel, running software and hardware checks, performing actual recovery steps, etc.


  • Testing and backup plan – A vital element of a successful disaster recovery plan is testing. Testing should be conducted regularly to ensure that the plan is effective and that all necessary personnel and resources are available in case a disaster strikes. Also, be sure to have a backup plan in place in case the primary plan fails.



How to make a good disaster recovery plan?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to create a disaster recovery plan depends on the specific needs of your business. However, a well-designed disaster recovery plan will address all potential disasters and provide a system recovery roadmap.


Making a disaster recovery plan is a complex process, but it is essential for any business that relies on technology to support its operations. By planning for and testing a disaster recovery plan, companies can minimize the impact of a disaster and ensure that their technology system remains up and running.


Here are some basic steps you can take to get started:


  • The first step in disaster recovery is to create a backup of all data and systems. This backup should be stored in a safe location that is not vulnerable to the same disaster.
  • Identify what critical systems and data need to be protected in the event of a disaster.
  • Develop a plan for proper restorations of these critical systems and data.
  • Make sure all employees are aware of the disaster recovery plan and know their roles in implementing it. Businesses can also have a communication plan in place so everyone knows what to do and how to stay in contact if anything happens.
  • Test the disaster recovery plan regularly to ensure its effectiveness. Be prepared to adjust the plan as needed based on new information or changes in the environment.
  • Be sure to review and update the plan regularly as new threats and risks emerge.


Once an actual disaster occurs:

  • The first step is to assess the damage. This assessment will help determine what data and systems need to be restored.
  • The next step is to begin the restoration process. This process can be done manually or through the use of disaster recovery software.



What are the common mistakes in making a disaster recovery plan?

A number of common mistakes are made when creating a disaster recovery plan. It is important to be aware of these common mistakes so businesses can implement better strategies and minimize the risk of failure.


  • Not having a plan: Without a plan, it’s difficult to assess what needs to be done in cases of emergency. This can lead to confusion and chaos, making the situation worse.
  • Not testing the plan: A plan is only as good as its ability to be executed. Businesses should make sure to test their plan regularly to ensure that it will work when they need it.
  • Not having a backup plan: No plan is perfect. A backup plan should always be in place in case the primary plan fails.
  • Not having the right resources: A plan is only as good as the resources businesses have to execute. Businesses should make sure they have the right people and supplies in place to carry out your recovery strategies. Hiring IT support services could help businesses gather the right resources and make an effective disaster recovery plan.
  • Not being prepared mentally: A disaster can be a traumatic event. Employees should be mentally prepared to deal with the aftermath.


What are the benefits of having a good disaster recovery plan?

Disaster recovery can be a time-consuming and costly process. However, it is important to ensure that data and systems are restored to avoid further damage or loss. Here are some of the benefits of having a good disaster recovery plan:


  1. Reduced downtime: Having a plan in place can minimize your business’ downtime following disastrous events. It can minimize the disruption to your business and keep employees productive during and after a disaster.
  1. Improved data protection: A disaster recovery plan ensures that your critical data is backed up and can be quickly restored in an emergency.
  2. Lower stress levels: Knowing that you have a roadmap to follow and having a plan in place can help reduce the stress and anxiety that come with these catastrophes.



Zenith Dental IT Support

Zenith Dental IT understands that disasters are a big hindrance in maintaining smooth day-to-day business transactions. With this, they have developed solutions to help businesses prepare and manage IT disasters. Their experienced team of IT professionals can help companies ensure that these disasters cannot slow down productivity and efficiency.


Aside from disaster recovery solutions, Zenith Dental IT also provides guaranteed and affordable solutions in remote IT support, cloud backup, email encryption, HIPAA compliance, and virtual servers.


Create an effective disaster recovery plan with Zenith Dental IT. Get a quote today.




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