Nov 3, 2022

What is Antivirus and What are the Benefits of Having it For Your Dental Practice?

Georgette Virgo | Nov 3, 2022 | 7 min read

Antivirus software is a computer program designed to protect your computer from malware, viruses, and other malicious attacks. It is an essential part of your computer’s security system that must always be updated.


There are many different antivirus programs available, and it is crucial to choose one that is right for your computer and fits your security needs. Some antivirus programs are free, while others must be purchased. When choosing an antivirus program, it is vital to consider the features that are important to your business, such as ease of use, protection against malware, and price. The antivirus program mostly runs automatically in the background to provide real-time protection against any kind of cyber threat.


What Are the Most Common Types of Cyber Threats?

With the dawn of the digital age came a new era of threats to individuals and businesses. These threats, collectively known as “cyber threats,” are any malicious attempt to damage or gain unauthorized access to confidential electronic data. They are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated, which has become a growing concern for businesses that heavily depend on technology. While some cyber threats are relatively harmless, others can have a devastating impact on both individuals and companies.


Here are some examples of cyber threats that your computer may experience.



The most common type of cyber threat is malware, a code or software designed to damage or disable a computer system. Malware can spread through email attachments, websites, or even infected advertising. Once the malware infects the computer, it can launch attacks on other computers or steal sensitive information.



Another common type of cyber threat is phishing. Phishing is a fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies to induce individuals to reveal personal information, like passwords and credit card numbers.


They are often carried out by sending emails that appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a bank or a company. The email will usually contain a link that leads to a fake website that looks identical to the legitimate one, and once the victim enters their information on the fake website, the criminals can already use it to steal their money or identity.


They may also contain attachments that install malicious software on the victim’s computer.

The best defense against phishing attacks is to be aware of the threat and to exercise caution when opening emails or clicking on links from unknown sources. Users should also install and maintain antivirus and anti-spyware software and keep their operating system and browser up-to-date with the latest security patches.



Spyware is a malicious software installed on a computer without the user’s knowledge. It gathers personal information without the user’s consent which is then sent to third parties. Spyware can be used to track a user’s online activity, steal personal information, and display advertising, and it is often bundled with other forms of malware, such as viruses and adware. It can infect a computer in several ways, including email attachments, downloads, and websites.


A Denial of Service (DoS)

A DoS is an attack or attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or persons to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or permanently.


DoS attacks are often the result of multiple systems attacking a single target, usually a Web server. These attacks can be challenging to differentiate from normal traffic and even more difficult to stop. They can come from anywhere in the world and be very hard to trace. One of the best defenses against a DoS attack is to have a well-protected and redundant network infrastructure.

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Malware can spread through email attachments, websites, or even infected advertising

What Are The Ways To Stay Protected Against Cyber Threats?

There is no silver bullet when it comes to cybersecurity, but there are some basic steps you can take to protect yourself from the most common cyber threats.


1. Use strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts. A password manager can help you keep track of them.

2. Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

3. Keep your operating system and software up to date with the latest security patches.

4. Be cautious about what you click on and download. Don’t open email attachments from unknown senders.

5. Be aware of social engineering attacks like phishing, where scammers attempt to trick you into giving them personal information or clicking on malicious links.

6. Don’t reuse or use the same password across multiple accounts.

7. Back up your data regularly in case you need to recover it after a malware attack or other data loss incident.

8. Use a firewall and antivirus software to protect your computer from malware.


What Are The Types of Antivirus?

There are many different types of free and purchasable antivirus programs and computer protection software available on the market today. However, not all antivirus programs are created equal. Some are more effective than others at detecting and removing viruses, while others may be more effective at preventing viruses from infecting your computer on the get-go.


How Does an Antivirus Work?

An antivirus works by scanning incoming files or code passed through your network traffic and removing them. This scanning usually has two types: specific and general scanning. Specific scans through the database of known viruses and malware, while general scans through the malware related to or has connections with those in the common database.


You have the option to either let the antivirus automatically run and scan malicious files or do it manually, where you sit down and check which malicious files were found and removed.


Some antivirus software will ask for your permission before “cleaning” a file to remove malicious code. You can adjust the settings if you prefer an automatic approach so the software can automatically removes malicious files.


Since new viruses are being created and distributed by hackers, it is vital to be updated with the latest information about new viruses constantly.


What are the benefits of antivirus software in dentistry?

  • Protection from viruses, malware, and other online threats

This is important because malware can cause all sorts of problems, from slowing down your computer to stealing your personal information. In some cases, it can even allow attackers to take control of your computer remotely.


  • Early detection and removal of threats before they can cause damage

Installed antivirus software acts as a gatekeeper for your computer. Before these threats can even do any damage, the antivirus software will already detect them. This prevents serious attacks from happening, saving you a lot of time and effort.


  • Increased security and peace of mind

Antivirus assures businesses that no matter what time or how the virus or malware may try to damage your computer, protection is already set in place, ready to prevent any damage from happening. It makes businesses continuously work efficiently and peacefully, not worrying about any threat.


  • Reduced risk of identity theft and other online crimes

Antivirus protects you and your computer from phishing attacks. It secures all your data in place and ensures that there won’t be any unauthorized access granted to it.


  • Better performance and stability for your computer

An antivirus protection keeps your computer from slowing down. This maintains its optimal performance essential to deliver all business transactions excellently, without any delay.


  • Antivirus ensures compliance with data security and privacy regulations

Antivirus protection ensures the computer does not leak any sensitive and confidential information, especially personal records and information. Thus, it helps businesses maintain compliance with existing laws and prevent misunderstandings with customers, clients, and even medical patients.


  • Antivirus safeguards the reputation of the business

In totality, antivirus protection maintains a good reputation for a business. It is one way to maintain credibility and reliability among clients, customers, patients, and business partners. Clients will develop trust once other parties see that businesses take data protection seriously through simple acts such as using antivirus software.


Zenith Dental IT Support

Zenith Dental IT knows the importance of data in day-to-day business transactions, which is precisely why they prioritize the safety and security of all business data. They offer automated Antivirus software that ensures their clients’ computer systems are protected against harmful viruses at all times. It scans workstations, servers, and other devices to detect and prevent the spread of destructive malware. This ensures that a business’ computer operations are running smoothly and safely.


Aside from their antivirus solutions, Zenith Dental IT offers a wide range of affordable and guaranteed IT solutions specifically for Dental Practices. Depending on your needs, they can provide remote IT support, cloud backup and disaster recovery, host email encryption, HIPAA compliance, and host virtual servers.


Discover the best IT solutions for your business. Get a quote from Zenith Dental IT today.


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