Oct 5, 2022

11 Surprising Benefits of a Cloud-Based Server for Dental Practices

Sarah Harris | Oct 5, 2022 | 7 min read

IT is something that every type of business has to deal with, including dental practices. However, dental practices have unique security, privacy, and reliability needs.

They need a solution that can meet those needs and provide them with support and scalability. A cloud-based server could be just what you need for your practice and can bring you these great benefits.

1. Eliminating the Vulnerabilities of On-Site IT

Changing to a cloud-based server can help keep your dental practice safer. If you rely on local IT support to keep your systems protected, you might not be enjoying all of the security that modern technology has to offer.

With a cloud-based solution, you can rest assured that you have access to the latest in anti-virus and network protection software and practices. You’ll have professional protection at every point, eliminating many vulnerabilities found in less robust systems.

In a field that has to deal with HIPAA and other privacy requirements, any vulnerabilities in your system could lead to serious consequences. You might not realize how many threats are out there, but the experts who manage your cloud-based dental server do.

2. Avoiding the Cost of Expensive Hardware Replacement

If you don’t have a cloud-based server for your dental practice, then you likely have an actual physical server on-site. This setup introduces a wide range of potential issues and is a major vulnerability for your practice. By using a cloud-based server, you can avoid all of these risks.

The simple fact of the matter is that server hardware doesn’t last forever. Eventually, you’ll have to replace your expensive server hardware due to breaking or becoming obsolete. However, a cloud-based server doesn’t have this downside.

When you go with a cloud-based server for your dental practice, your IT service provider is responsible for upgrades and replacements. They maintain safe, secure, and reliable hardware, so you don’t have to, saving you money and eliminating the risk of one-off failures causing major issues.

3. Transitioning to Your New Services Without a Hitch

Another key benefit of cloud-based servers for dental practices is that the transition process is straightforward, fast, and effective. Implementing your new IT solution is easy when you have support from a service provider who has handled these transitions so many times before.

There’s no need to install physical hardware at your practice, run lines, or face any of the other difficulties of on-site servers. Instead, you’ll go through a straightforward and intuitive onboarding process that will ensure that your transition to cloud-based servers and support goes as smoothly as possible.

4. Getting a Solution that’s Just Right for You

With a cloud-based solution, you’re always going to get a setup tailor-built to your needs. The resources that cloud-based service providers have make it possible for them to fine-tune the servers and support they provide for any individual client.

There’s no need to compromise. You won’t have to worry about whether you’re getting too little, enough, or too much support. Your plan will be flexible and adapt to your changing needs to support your continued operations and growth.

With on-site IT, you could find yourself buying hardware that’s more than you need because the next step down can’t meet your needs. With cloud-based servers, you can pay for exactly what you use and budget for ongoing costs accordingly.

5. Ensuring that All of Your Communications Are Secure

You need the right technology for your dental practice to operate in the modern world. That means you need versatile and secure online communications tools, and your email is likely among the most important. Cloud-based dental IT can provide you with the best possible email encryption solution.

In an area where privacy and security are so important, you can’t go without email encryption. This end-to-end security ensures that third parties aren’t infiltrating email content that contains sensitive medical and payment information.

Encryption is a very simple IT service to implement and one that could save you a lot of trouble in the long run. Your cloud-based dental IT solution will let you manage your email system confidently without having to worry about potential security vulnerabilities.

6. Providing Protected Remote Access

One of the largest perks of cloud services is secure remote access. Without an effective cloud solution, the only way to access important patient and practice information is to be on-site at your practice. In the past, any solutions that allowed for remote access also opened security vulnerabilities.

With a cloud-based dental practice server, you can enjoy remote access without compromising security. You’ll be able to keep up on your important communications when you’re out of the office and ensure that your practice doesn’t fall behind.

Even with this improved access, you can rest easy knowing that the proper precautions are in place to protect your patients and your practice. Robust security features ensure that sensitive data is fully protected and stored in line with HIPAA and other regulatory requirements.

7. Avoiding Disaster with Backup Automation

In dentistry, there is a wealth of patient information that you need to know is being managed reliably. There are medical records, insurance information, schedules, and customer relationship management data. You can’t afford to lose this valuable information.

Cloud-based IT dental solutions provide backup automation that ensures this vital data is safe and secure. Your data is securely backed up across the cloud at regular intervals to ensure that any major disaster doesn’t have you scrambling to rebuild.

These backup services provide you with peace of mind but also have the necessary security in place to protect that data. As a dental practice, HIPAA and other data privacy requirements mean that any breach is completely unacceptable. That’s why dental IT cloud-based backups have the highest level of protection built-in.

8. Getting Vital IT Support Faster

If you go with local dental IT support, you could find yourself without technical assistance when you need it most. The simple fact of the matter is that a cloud-based dental IT provider has a different operational model that enables it to provide support as needed when you need it.

With cloud-based support, you’ll have access to IT solutions and professionals 24/7. You can’t choose when your systems start to develop problems, so you need access to support whenever disaster strikes.

Not only are you able to access support on your own terms, but dedicated IT dental support teams are able to resolve issues faster. A cloud-based dental IT team includes the top specialists and engineers with an extensive range of experience. No matter what specific issue you’re dealing with, they’ll have someone who can help.

9. Minimizing IT Costs

A cloud-based server for your dental practice can help reduce overall costs. Choosing local dental IT support can be incredibly expensive while not truly meeting your needs. Cloud-based support gives you access to the best service while keeping your costs low.

With a cloud solution, you’ll be able to bring all of your IT services together under a single roof. That means you’ll get a more attractive rate and have less administrative overhead to worry about.

You’ll also be able to obtain reliable dental IT support without having to worry about hidden fees and charges. With the right cloud-based dental IT provider, you can pay for IT support through a flat monthly fee and get unlimited support.

10. Putting Focus on Running Your Dental Practice

Today, dental practices require access to a wide range of different software to manage their IT infrastructures. That includes practice management software (PMS) and other behind-the-scenes software that keeps everything running.

Managing subscriptions to individual software providers can be a significant hassle. With cloud-based support, you can offload these tasks and let your staff focus on providing quality care and service for your patients instead.

Whether you’re using Dentrix, Open Dental, or Eaglesoft, you can make everything run so much smoother by letting IT professionals handle it through your cloud-based dental IT services. Cloud-based dental services organizations (DSOs) can work beyond legacy software’s limitations to ensure that you get the service and support you need.

11. Making Your Practice More Competitive

With better support, you’ll be able to provide better services and care for your patients. In turn, this means that you’ll have a more competitive practice that can thrive and grow without the need to worry about the details of your server hardware and other IT factors.

Going with a cloud-based dental IT support provider also makes it easier for your dental practice to grow. Larger practices have more complex IT needs, and going through that transition with a local support company can have many challenges.

Cloud-based solutions are infinitely scalable. They make it easy to maintain consistent support throughout growth phases, meaning you’re never left without the services and security your practice needs. You’re never wasting money on assistance you don’t require or tech beyond your IT team’s capacity.

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Cloud-based solutions are infinitely scalable

The Cloud-Based Solution You Need

Have these benefits left you wondering if a cloud-based solution could be right for you? Zenith provides leading dental IT solutions to today’s largest DSOs and countless independent practices nationwide. You can contact us today to get a quote on your cloud-based solution.


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